
Inflation Relief for Taxpayers20220815173214

Inflation Relief for Taxpayers

Emily SchmitzAugust 15, 2022, 0 comments
By FOCUS, a Leonine Business Amidst the highest inflation rate in nearly 50 years, states are hustling to send relief to taxpayers. States throughout ...
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Wireless Taxes and Fees Jump Sharply In 2019

By Scott Mackey Leonine Public Affairs and the Tax Foundation jointly released a new study detailing the numerous federal, state, and local taxes that...
Wireless Taxes and Fees Climb Again in 201820181211111532

Wireless Taxes and Fees Climb Again in 2018

By Scott Mackey Leonine Public Affairs and the Tax Foundation jointly released a new study detailing the numerous federal, state, and local taxes that...
US Wireless Users Face Excessive Tax Burdens20171110133641

US Wireless Users Face Excessive Tax Burdens

By Scott Mackey Leonine Public Affairs and the Tax Foundation jointly released a new study detailing the numerous federal, state, and local taxes that...