Wireless Taxes and Fees Climb Again in 201820181211111532
Wireless Taxes and Fees Climb Again in 2018
By Scott Mackey Leonine Public Affairs and the Tax Foundation jointly released a new study detailing the numerous federal, state, and local taxes that...
State-Level Alcohol Laws Face a Federal Challenge in the Supreme Court20181114111414
State-Level Alcohol Laws Face a Federal Challenge in the Supreme Court
By FOCUS, A Leonine Business State alcohol laws are among the most rapidly changing in the country. FOCUS research shows that there have been a...
Marijuana Moves Inland, Potentially Forcing Federal Hand20181017105229
Marijuana Moves Inland, Potentially Forcing Federal Hand
By FOCUS, a Leonine Company As more and more states prepare for the move into the retail marijuana market, including our neighbor to the north,...
More States File Suit Against Pharma20180917161654
More States File Suit Against Pharma
By FOCUS, a Leonine Business As the opioid crisis continues to rage on across the country, two distinct approaches to combatting the problem ar...