More States Ask, “Where’s The Beef?”20190311104300
More States Ask, “Where’s The Beef?”
By FOCUS, a Leonine Company A few years after “ag-gag” bills swept the nation; a new type of agriculture protection bill is now finding favor in farm-...
Vermont’s Town Meeting Day Tradition20190304105559
Vermont’s Town Meeting Day Tradition
I’m just going to say it. I love Town Meeting Day (TMD). Like, really love it. The sense of community. The potluck lunch (arguably one of the best mea...
After Deregulation, Airbnb Regulation Goes Statewide20190213103335
After Deregulation, Airbnb Regulation Goes Statewide
By FOCUS, a Leonine Company Over the last several years, the Airbnb mobile app and website has exploded in popularity, challenging the dominance of ho...
What the Confrontation at the Lincoln Memorial Tells Us About Ourselves and Today’s Media20190125101542
What the Confrontation at the Lincoln Memorial Tells Us About Ourselves and Today’s Media
First the anti-Trump contingency howled. Images of young white males in Make America Great Again hats asserting their superiority and dominance over a...